Could you provide some information about yourself and your scientific background, including previous studies and degrees you have obtained?

After graduating from a bachelor’s program in wine marketing and management at INSEEC Bordeaux, I followed the itinerant, multidisciplinary and experience-based training through the OIV MSc in Wine Management. Afterwards, my growing passion led me to enrol in the MSc EuroMaster of Viticulture and Oenology at SupAgro Montpellier and Hochschule Geisenheim to broaden my horizons and scientific knowledge.


Could you describe your scientific research and previous projects, listing your key expertise and skills?

Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are important oenological compounds that contribute to colloidal stability, redox activity, and astringency in wine.

My previous research aimed to analyse the diversity of PA composition within Vitis, particularly Vitis vinifera. This project was conducted in partnership with INRA and the Georgian Ministry of Agriculture.

The objectives included i) analysing the diversity of PA composition from a phylometabolic perspective and a geographical structure, ii) investigating the phenotype-genotype relationship to explore the heritability of tannins and their potential links to domestication, and iii) interpreting the population structure in both cultivated and wild grape varieties.


What was the motivation for joining the Eco2Wine project?

As a natural winemaker, I am deeply concerned about the evolution of winemaking-associated ecosystems (WAEs) and understand the need for innovative research to improve sustainability in our industry. The project’s interdisciplinary approach aligns with my profile and will provide a strong foundation for pursuing my career in academia.


What is the motivation and aim of your PhD project?

The aim is to evaluate the consumer preferences that can influence buying decisions by analysing the interdependency between a consumer’s personal values and their consumption. A cross-cultural empirical analysis conducted in Georgia and Germany regarding conventional/natural wines will allow us to establish a consumer behaviour model and propose some market penetration strategies.


Could you write a few sentences about yourself, your hobbies, and your interests?

I co-own an artisanal winery in Georgia, the cradle of wine. We produce a small amount of natural wine, which is vinified and aged in qvevris according to the ancestral method. When not in my cellar, I entertain my friends and family, hike with my dog or travel around.

Capucine Dentraygues

Preferences regarding natural wines and biotechnological wines


Prof. Dr. Jon Hanf – HGU

Prof. Daniela Fracassetti – UMIL
Mr. Levan Mekhuzla – NWAG

Starting date: 01.07.2024